
Fun, Cognitive Training Games for Dogs

Fun, Cognitive Training Games for Dogs
Dogs need mental stimulation just as much as they need physical exercise, and cognitive training games can be a fun way to sharpen your dog’s intelligence. There are many different ways to exercise...

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How Often Should I Clean My Pet's Teeth?

How Often Should I Clean My Pet's Teeth?
Good dental care is essential to a pet's health, and cleaning their teeth at home is the first step to good oral hygiene for your dog or cat. But while you may brush your own teeth several times a day, how...

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Cat Excessive Meowing and Yowling: Why Cats Meow

Cat Excessive Meowing and Yowling: Why Cats Meow
Cats are known for their stealthy hunting abilities and soft paws for quiet approaches, but some cats have incredibly powerful voices and are far from silent. Understanding why cats meow and...

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People Foods Cats Can Eat

People Foods Cats Can Eat
Cats can be finicky eaters and very refined in their tastes, rejecting unknown foods and dietary adjustments. This predilection doesn’t stop many cats from begging for extra nibbles and treats, however, and knowing...

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Cold Weather Safety for Pets

Cold Weather Safety for Pets
When temperatures drop, we layer up in warm clothes, turn up the furnace, enjoy hot drinks, and take other steps to stay warm and safe. But what about our pets? Practicing good cold weather...

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