Can Pets Get Sunburned?
We all know the importance of wearing sunblock, sunglasses, broad-brimmed hats, and other gear to protect our skin from the harsh summer sun, but how do you protect your pets? Can pets get sunburned? What Pets Can Get Sunburned Many popular pets are just as vulnerable to sunburn as their owners. Cats and dogs are especially prone to sunburn, particularly breeds with very short or fine coats, as well as hairless breeds like the American hairless terrier and hairless Chinese crested dogs or sphynx and donskoy cat breeds. Breeds that have heavy seasonal shedding or white fur are also more...
Training Your Dog Not to Jump Up
A dog jumping up may seem like an enthusiastic greeting and innocent excitement, but this poor behavior can lead to less discipline. With larger dogs, uncontrolled jumping can even frighten or injure the people who get jumped on. Fortunately, it is possible to train your dog to use calmer, more appropriate greetings. Why Dogs Jump Up Before training your dog not to jump, it is important to understand that this is not usually aggressive or angry behavior. In fact, jumping is a way dogs greet their pack leader and get attention from the most important member of their family –...
The Top 10 Most Popular Freshwater Fish for Beginners
Aquariums can be a wonderful addition to any home or office space, providing a relaxing and peaceful environment while adding a touch of nature to your surroundings. If you're new to fish-keeping, it can be overwhelming to choose the right fish for your aquarium. That's why we've put together a list of the top 10 most popular freshwater fish for beginners. Guppies - Guppies are hardy, colorful, and easy to care for. They are a popular choice for beginners because they are peaceful and can coexist with other species in the same tank. Neon Tetras - These small, bright fish...
Why Do Dogs Roll Around in Smelly Stuff?
Dog owners are often unpleasantly surprised when their canine companion returns from a romp covered with unpleasant smells and questionable muck. Why do dogs roll around in smelly stuff, and how can you curb that noxious behavior? What Dogs Might Roll In Dogs are attracted to strong, potent odors that have many more layers of interest and aromatic subtleties than humans can detect. Their sensitive noses can hone in on a wide range of smells, and dogs may roll in a wide variety of odiferous substances, including… Feces and manure, either dried or fresh Carrion, roadkill, and carcasses, including dead...
How to Stop Your Cat's Hairballs and Vomiting Issues
Hairballs are an unpleasant fact of cat ownership, and while it is necessary for cats to expel hairballs, there are steps owners can take to minimize them without compromising their pet's health. Why Cats Have Hairballs Cats are frequent groomers, and their rough tongues catch loose hair, which is then swallowed. While most hair passes harmlessly through the cat's digestive tract, some does become matted and stuck in the stomach, where it forms a hairball. When the ball is large enough, it must be vomited away or else it could cause intestinal blockages and impaction, which can not only be...